i have some problem with charactermovement. its a 2d game, i put some block to form a stairs, and my character cant walk on stairs. Well, i increase max step heigth to 50000 value so i am sure it will work, but it dont. character just dont want to climb the block :o
but if i jump on the stairs, then my character can go down the stairs (he fall instant on other block), i think that because max step heigth is working now but only when i go down the stairs :x
i cant go up at all, character is blocked
i tried something else with walkable floor angle, i put it to 90 to test, and then my character can now climb the stairs but ofc he now climb all the 90° walls too :x
HI~ skeleton60~
It has been age.I wasn’t willing to bother you.Just because of I facing the same problem today,and can’t fix it by adjust parameters of movemont component in ue4.26.In case of somebody else in the future may face the same problem,and UE bbs is still small and may need our support,maybe.
so I will give my way down below.
UE4‘s movement component deal with climb stairs like this:
Ideally, the process of going up the stairs is shown in the figure. It consists of three movements. First, move up the maxstepheight height height, then move forward (if a block is detected in the process of moving forward, you need to call slidealongsurface), and finally move down and fall on surface 2.
Of course, there are many situations that will lead to the failure of stepup. For example, the penetration of peneration is detected during the movement, and finally it cannot reach a reasonable foothold (for example, face 2 is steep), which will lead to the failure of calling stepup. In this case, we need to call slidealongsurface and walk close to the face
So,we can just redo it .Use two line trace to check if facing a stair,and it’s not higher than maxstepup, then AddActorLocalOffset(FVector(3,0,maxstepup)).
It will need to detect more situation,and you may use collision as also.But the basic idea is like this.
Hope to be a little help,future somebody.