Paper2D doubt

Hi i’m at the Series: 2D Sidescroller with Blueprints, at 7:00m when we set a value to the variables, i dont have the value for “FallingFlipBook” where do i get or build this value?Thanks


Even when you hit the “compile” button you can add a flipbook anim? :slight_smile:

Hi ,i dont know the answer to your question, but i just checked that in my Content/Flipbooks folder i dont have the “jumpflipbook” i only have “idleFlipbook” and “Runflipbook”…this will be the value that i need to the variables in the blueprint

i just watched the videos again and in video 7 - Character Blueprint 3 (3:53m) i see the “jumpflipbook” but the author does not explain how to create it,any knows how to craete it?

thank you i found it,it’s not explained like for the idle and run flipbooks,we can see how run and idleflipbooks are made and do the same for jump

now i’m getting this error

i’ve tried to index all option, after 40 minutes working i canceled, it’s normal for this action take that time?

That’s not an error, it is just letting you know that it may not search all blueprints due to them not being indexed. It should be done much sooner than 40 minutes (Should probably take less than 2 minutes), but what are you computer specs?

i7 2,5ghz,8gb ram,nvidia gtx850m 2gb

i got another issue that is in video 8 - Character Blueprint 4 – Animation State Machine minute 16:29 when i add the AnimationStateMachine node i dont see the Output,i’ve configured the output to OutputFlipbook

as you can see in this image

i went “Enumerators” windows saved,then i draged the AnimationStateMachine and the output is there…

another issue came up,when i test the game i can walk both sides and jump but i dont see the character,any ideias what’s happening?

you might haven’t connected your animation state machine function return value to set flipbook in the event graph and don’t forget to compile

that´s all ok…