If I edit the collision of the only sprite within a flipbook, within a paper2d component, my pawn still seems to sit on the sprite rather than the collision box.
However, if I increase the capsule component outside the sprite then the asset/pawn is shown sitting on the capsule component.
I’d like to add a very small extruding box collider that doesn’t affect where the asset/pawn sits, and is only used for triggering events.
Set the collision settings on the sprite or flipbook component to Overlap instead of Block, then you can use it for sensing but it won’t get in the way of the character movement component.
You modify it on the component instance, not the flipbook asset (select the component in the Blueprint Editor or on an actor instance in the level). The property is called “Collision Presets” and defaults to BlockAllDynamic. but you probably want to use OverlapAll.
Michael, I do not see an option in Flipbook to modify collision.
You must do this inside your blueprint. Select your flipbook inside your components tab and navigate to collisions inside the settings menu. From there choose custom and follow Michaels advice .