Hi, I’m still pretty new to developing for Unreal and I’m running into an issue trying to implement a side-scrolling fighter type game.
The basic gist is when I attempt to change the sprite facing using setActorScale3D, even though the Z axis isn’t changing, the character moves and kicks in unreals “isFalling” check, but never seems to land. However when I move the character back to facing the other way, it goes away.
I’m really just not sure what’s causing it to affect it. I’m calling setActorScale3D on the actor itself to ensure the attack hit box also flips sides (i was successfully just flipping the sprite, but trying to place the hit detector based on facing is proving to an issue using any other method)
Here’s a gif of the issue as it happens
Problem in Action
and here’s a picture of the set facing and jump blueprints
Set Facing exists on the character base (used to derive the player and enemies)
and jump is just on the hero character BP