My pixels are not perfectly square when playing my Paper 2D game. Here are two images to show you my problem. (I have zoomed in to show you my problem (The green color is to show you where the pixels are displayed incorrectly, where color / texture is missing and should be))
UPDATE: I did set the Camera Ortho Width to 380 instead of 384, and now all of the pixels seems to be fine. But it doesn’t make any sense. I will have to do some more testing… But, it looks good as of right now.
Are your texture assets all power-of-two dimensions? I guess that only matters for compression but that reminds me, I wonder if the problem goes away if you turn off texture compression for those textures.
I solved the issue. My character is 9 pixels on the width. Stupid as I am, I placed the sprite in a location that was 0.5 in the Character Blueprint to center the collision, which resulted in the weird pixel offset on the sprite / flipbook.