Paper 2d Crouch

Can someone give a good tutorial on how to manually code a crouch animation.

No, I do not have crouching enabled for the character in character movement.

No Flip-Flop nor Branch with “crouch” and “un crouch” does not work. I can get the character to duck put can’t get him out of that state. I just want to hit down once for crouch and release for him to rise.

I have built a state machine for the character.

Hello johnsonmt429,

This might work:

Those Enable/Disable inputs happen in the same frame by the way, resulting in essentially nothing happening, so you can remove them. I’m not quite sure how you setup your state machine, so you might’ve to tweak it a bit.

Hope that helps. Just let me know, if it didn’t work or if you have any questions.



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This actually did help me. Not exactly this way but I was able to figure it out and stop the character from sliding while ducked. Thank you.

Old treat but I used this and give my own twist on it. Hope it is usefull for someone.

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