Pantheon Realistic Recreation


Looking for constructive feedback on my Pantheon cinematic. I’m planning to turn into an interactive simulator. All modeling in Blender, textures are from Quixel. Statues used with permission from

See on youtube here: Pantheon - Unreal Engine 5 Lumen & Nanite - YouTube

Thank you.


Hi there @ElectricLoft,

Hope you’re doing well.

I haven’t got much to give you as far as constructive feedback but I do have a compliment! The entire video gave this feeling of massive scale and such ornate detail. I hope others can give you the advice you’re looking for but it’s already a wonderfully done project. :slight_smile:

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Thank you. That’s the feel I was going for.

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I was very curious to see how you’d executed this as it’s such an incredible space. All I can say is, well done. It looks amazing and from memory picks up a lot of all the elaborate details within. Amazing work!!! Sorry I can’t give you any constructive feedback except keep up the good work.

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First off, awesome job. The music, lighting…the mood was great. Literally felt like I was watching the intro to a new Roman Era TV show lol.
Two bits of constructive feedback:
1: The dome ceiling (even if accurate) seemed out of place and lacked the detail and color of the rest of the set. It was a bit jarring and was the only part that didn’t look “real”
2: While the overall look of everything was very realistic, IMHO it was too clean. No wear and tear, no dirt, no chips in the floor or walls etc. There was nothing to indicate that it was a place that actually was used for anything. This totally could have been your intent which is fine and it doesn’t take away from the obvious skill you had putting this together. Just in my opinion, there could have been some imperfections subtly placed around the build that would have brought it a little more to life.

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