Hi there, I have spent ages getting the lighting, exposure and white balance etc. right right in my images and they look great in twin motion and the thumbnails reflect these settings correctly (see screen grabs)
However once published to the cloud, the panorama goes really dark and looks pretty awful. I exporting in 4K which I though should have been fine.
Anyone else experiencing this and know how to fix it?
Unfortunately, this is a current technical limitation of the panorama exporter, since tone mapping of the entire panorama isn't possible. What the exporter does instead is pre-compute a median exposure value from its initial point of view (essentially using a single image with as wide a field of view as possible), then applies that exposure value to all of the other panorama samples before merging them into the final panorama. This makes the exported result look more natural and realistic, but the tradeoff is that exposure of the final result won't be 1:1 with the panorama in the viewport.
This is disappointing and also surprising. When the exposure is surely such an inportant factor in presentation and the panoramas clearly looks so different to how the model looks. In this form I would not be able to present a model to a client like this. Do you have any work arounds?
Unfortunately, I'm not sure of any solid workarounds to this that can provide guaranteed results.
I completely understand your concerns, though. This is a technical limitation we hope to overcome, but at the moment we don't have a solution for this that won't introduce other undesirable effects.