PAK blacklist file deprecated in favor of DefaultPakFileRules.ini


I suppose this is too late for you to help, but maybe this will help others.

There is a documentation about “DefaultPakFileRules.ini” inside “BasePakFileRules.ini” file.

“BasePakFileRules.ini” is located inside your UE4 Engine folder (“Engine\Config\BasePakFileRules.ini”).

It contains a basic explanation on how to use it.

In order to use it in your project you need to do several steps:

  • Create the “DefaultPakFileRules.ini” config file in you project Config folder (you can just copy and rename “BasePakFileRules.ini”)

  • Keep the [ExcludeContentForMobile] section (I do not know about any other section names for this config file, I suppose you will need to dig into the source code, maybe CopyBuildToStagingDirectory.cs will help you)

  • Specify the “Platforms” key (even “Win64” have worked so far)

  • Specify the “Targets” key (Shipping, Debug, Development, etc)

  • I suppose you should keep “bExcludeFromPaks=true” (it depends on your setup. The “Pak” containter is the one you specify in the package settings)

  • Add +Files to exclude files. It’s using Regex, so for example :

    • +Files=“…/Content/Blueprints/Debug/*” will exclude all files with “<anything>/Content/Blueprints/Debug/<anything>” in their filepath (… and * means any symbol)