Painting with blueprints

Hello everyone,

Me and me friends come to a halt in our project because we have a large landscape to paint with interactable trees, rocks, plants, etc, which are done in blueprints.

I’ve seen the same question on answerhub: Is it possible to place BluePrints with the foliage tool? - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums
Also as the answer it self points out there is an entry on trello about it and it’s marked for may/june of 2014.

Anyone has any clue where this feature went?

Placing every blueprint by hand would be a tremedous amount of wasted time. Creating a plugin to support this would be a good idea but sadly none of us have the c++ knowladge to do this.

Anyone has any idea on how to solve this?

hello to all

I also would be interested in this important request, anyone has any information about it?

So far this is not possible and not scheduled yet. We have asked for it in house as well. In fact we wanted to support this with the procedural foliage tool but for a variety of reasons it was not possible in the timeframe we had(mostly the fact that the procedural foliage tool deals with the same foliage type assets as the hand painted foliage tool). And also the instanced components are assumed to have no ticking going on, they don’t actually exist in the world until they are created etc.

I’m sad to hear that :frowning: but thanks for the clarification!

I’ve seen that the guys from SandsweptStudios made a plugin for it so it’s doable (

Would be nice if some one made a plugin like this and sell it on the marketplace!

Thank you very much for your explanation!
I have another question, looking at the KiteDemo you released, I noticed that there are the blueprint on the foliage, you have any advice on how you did it?