Painting Foliage not working on Landscape!

Having the foliage selected isn’t enough, there’s a little checkbox on the foliage that needs to be checked too. UE5


I’m having an issue where it only works in certain areas, not sure what I could’ve done, but I’ve messed something up! I can paint foliage but then I’ll hit a line where it no longer wants to paint over large sections of the map. It doesn’t seem to line up where the landscape tiles meet each other either, just completely random. Anyone else seen this? UE5.0.3

My issue has been solved. I had to unload all cells on the world partition and reload them all. As GamesUKStudios stated above :point_up_2: :man_facepalming:

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Thank you! This fixed it. Unloading the cells with the landscape and loading them again, then it worked.

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Hey guys, I’m new in business and have the same problem. I tried the “Collision enabled”, but it didn’t solve the problem. Now I can’t find, where I unload the cells Could you please tell me where to find it?? Thx!!!

We are back to this not working. Many years later, in 5.1.1, I am running into this same issue. None of the things that people have suggested above have worked. Epic, please fix.



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Not working on 5.3.1.
It paints only on static mesh not on landscape.

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Hey, your fix worked but i had to expand upon it. heres how my settings are

This may seem basic, but turned out to be the solution to my problem. In UE5 foliage/paint mode I added a bunch of trees then highlighted them all to change some properties for the (moveable to fix blurring, etc.) I thought highlighting them was the same as selecting them, so after when I click on one of them and tried to paint, I got nothing, exactly like what you’re saying. I tried everything everyone else was saying to do and nothing helped. I tried a new level and it didn’t work there either. Finally, I happened to notice a small square at the top left side of my assets. When you click the square a checkmark appears, which apparently is the real way to select the asset, not just highlighting it. Worked great after that.

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it worked for me thank you !!

Make sure you tick the little square tick box in each asset you wish to paint with the brush. This one got me for a bit to. The tick boxes are in the upper left of the asset box after you add with the +add button. Have fun!

Same for me. I just had to click everything and reselect “Landscape” then the cursor came back to life.

I completely forgot I had a custom collision too…

For me the solution was to tick the small box (to enable) under Foliage section