I am having an issue…I create a pain causing volume as per the volumes documentation, and I place it around fire. When I enter the volume, there is no pain. The damage is set. Do I need to do something additional to get the player to lose life? I assumed walking into the volume would just inflict damage.
Open the content examples project and load up the ‘Volumes’ map. There will be an example of a pain causing volume. Take some time to study the components and it should start to make sense.
in your character bp you have to add a health variable + an “on any damage” event which you will connect to a “set health” variable node + decrease the value of the variable with a “-” node
now create an actor bp - add a collision volume and get an “on event begin overlap” node
connect a apply damage node to the event and choose the other actor as the target
now it should work
Basically it works like in this video: or in the volume that Naveed mentioned