[PAID] Straight to the point.

I’m new at this working on a small game need some help. with zombies and crosshairs on a third person shooter. I’m having trouble with getting my character to shoot straight into a crosshair in the middle of the screen. As far as the zombies I can’t get them to attack without bugging out. And I’m just willing to pay for a little help here and there with my project.

I disagree with title of this topic.


LOL my bad I was very upset when I posted it.

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Edit first post, give more info. And if you give enough info paying for this job may be not necessary, people here help if they know problem and solution.

Got it and thanks, I appreciate you.

The projectile probably needs to be spawned using muzzle socket location and controller rotation. And the zombie probably needs to eat. They get weird when they haven’t eaten. Depends how you’re doing the AI.

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