[PAID] Simple and short blueprints work


I am looking for someone with experience in blueprints who can assist with a short term role on my current Wolfenstein project, please see the below video. I require someone to create the character blueprint, add weapon pickups (2 weapons) and weapon functionality e.g take damage etc. I have all of the assets and animations already, i just need someone to put them together.


FPS Character Blueprint:

  • FPS Character that can pickup and swap between the 2 weapons
  • Character can take weapon damage
  • Character can equip health and ammo etc
  • Basic HUD that shows health and current ammo


  • Lugar Pistol (8 bullets)
  • MP40 (30 bullets)

Ultimately, I just need help creating a basic fps character that can do the basic things, equip these weapons and implement functionality so they can have an effect on the world etc.

Please contact me via discord :slight_smile: Bobsy95#5287


if its not urgent i would love to help. i am available from the middle of the month

I added you on discord Aggelos Baki

I have sent you add request over discord .



Sorry I couldn’t get back to everyone, i’ve had a lot of people offering their help and I appreciate it all. The position however has since gone.
