Greetings, my name’s Ethan. Recently I took a position with an existing game studio as their Project Manager and it’s fallen to me to find and acquire the right kind of talent to fill out the programming department.
Agencies have already been throwing bids to “handle the programming needs” of this project since before I was hired, however a prerequisite to my involvement was that if said outsourcing was to take place to save costs, at the bare minimum there must still be programming talent employed by the studio itself to oversee those individuals and the quality of their work. I’ve been in the game industry for more than sixteen years and know all too well what happens when you allow outsourcers to police and quality-check their own work without any oversight. That’s why I’ve been given the green-light to find and acquire one full-time on-staff Lead Programmer to ensure both the quality and quantity of all code which goes into the repo.
To be 100% clear, this is not a “pie in the sky” “revenue share” hoax; This is a genuine full-time remote position requiring your butt in the chair the full forty-hours during the week. If you want to make some of that up on the weekend and take time off during, that’s usually totally fine. Due to the inherent danger of hiring folks for remote-work, be advised that it’s my responsibility to make sure people are indeed actually working, and to accomplish this you can be expected to get “bugged” by myself randomly throughout the day to ensure nobody is just “soaking up the financier’s money” while they’re out fishing on the lake. If I check in with you during normal working hours and you take 40 minutes to respond more than once or twice a week, it isn’t going to work out.
This is also not a slave-labor position. You aren’t going to be worked to death; Forty-hours each week belongs to the studio, the rest is yours to do with as you please, but you will be crushing it throughout that entire 40 during the time’s we’ve agreed you’ll be available. Them’s the bricks my lads.
We’re looking for Conquistadors. Nothing less.
Your primary responsibilities would be:
- Gameplay Programming
- Features Programming
- Tools Programming
- Direction and management of subordinate outsourced programmers. This is a technical leadership role in that you’ll have both your own work to do as well as making certain your minions, the aforementioned programming help you’ll be getting from the outsourcers, are generating work to the standards of quality and quantity that I specify. This essentially means “the code will be commented and documented at all stages” in addition to its own hygiene.
Baseline prerequisites for this position are:
- Fluency in English both written and spoken.
- Fluency in C++
- Fluency in Unreal Engine
- Working knowledge and experience of GIT-based versioning.
- High-tolerance for frustration.
- Able to dedicate at least forty (40) hours each week of trackable time.
- Free of any existing non-competition contractual obligations to other firms, studios, or entities.
- Ability and willingness to sign our Non-Disclosure agreement which extends to all social-media.
Bonus experience would be:
- Management experience as this is indeed a management-intensive role.
- Experience with project-management software(s) such as Trello.
- Experience with multiplayer networking infrastructure either through Unreal’s proprietary systems or otherwise is also a big plus.
- Experience with Microsoft Azure VM and/or Server 2008-2016.
Thanks for taking the time to read all this. Any and all interested parties are encouraged to [EMAIL=“”]email myselftheir CV/Resume and any pertinent info to [EMAIL=“”]this address and I’ll do my best to respond super quick.;base64