[PAID] Project East Star And Project Madness

[PAID] Project East Star And Project Madness

  • [PAID] or [CONTRACT] (up to your preference and our acceptable package)
    Fully established and funded company looking for full/part time employees (remote) or pay-per-asset/ item/ project.

Project Title:
Project East Star and Project Madness

A far east story oriented game with AAA quality assets built already lacking riggers and animators for the characters and boss monsters. Require knowledge of facial rigging also.

  • Tense Souls-like atmosphere.
  • Single person game.
  • Third person view point.
  • PC, console support.

The 2nd game is 3D 3rd person shooter game set in various kind of environment, ranging from medieval to modern and to futuristic, featuring flashy moves and powers.

  • Fun, light and crazy atmosphere.
  • Multiplayer shooter game.
  • Third person view point.
  • PC, console support. Mobile in future.

Company Name:
Dreamchasers Interactive

We are a 20 years old multimedia and interactive company that has been struggling to save up and develop games of our own. Over the years we have tried to use UE whenever possible - such as building small mini games for museums and exhibitions - to get ready and gain enough knowledge to build our own games - which is our endgame goal.

Previous Work:
Please visit www.dreamchasers-interactive.com to view. Website is currently under construction but the portfolio PDF link is available for download on it.

Talents Required:
Rigger and animator

  • Expected to export to do decent body and facial rigs for characters and bosses.
  • Expected to animate boss moves - dragons, monster types - as many are non humanoid designed characters.
  • Experience with UE4 toolset a bonus.
  • Experience with Rokoko and any facial capture app. We are open to using either dynamixyz or any facial capture app (yet to mocap face yet).

UE Niagara FX Dev/ Artist

  • Experience with UE 5 Niagara required.
  • Experience with UE4 creating FX effects a must.
  • Expected to create character power effects for movesets.
  • Houdini knowledge is a plus point.

1 x Rigger and 1 x Animator or
1 x Rigger Animator (preferred)
1 x Niagara FX Artist/ Dev

How To Apply:
Email us your resume and your preferred remuneration mode, be it full time, or part-time (remote for both) or pay per asset/ project/ item. Leave your contact info in the email and once we screen through we will contact you if we think you’re suitable.

Who Should/ Should Not To Apply:
We do not want to work with rude people, people who can’t or not willing to discuss and come to a compromise when running into problems, people with bad attitude, cold heartless people whom on mind is all about money and people whom are just out to rip us off (believe us we’ve encountered enough of these people over past 20 years in the business)

We always believe doing things properly, charging fairly for our (and your) work, and working things out or solving things amicably.

Website For Both Games:
Currently in development.

Please visit www.dreamchasers-interactive.com.

Skype: kah.tat@hotmail.com