[PAID] Programmer & Level Designer


Blueprint Programmer
Level Designer
UE4 Networking
Generalist Developer
UI Scripting
Anim Blueprints
6 years of indie game experience.
5 years of UE4 experience
3 years of C++ experience

Previous Work:
**** Tech vs Magic - Exis Interactive
C++ and blueprint programmer, animation blueprints, generalist.

**** Competitive Shooter IPSC - Caliber Simulation
level designer, blueprint programmer, generalist.

**** The Martian VR Experience - Mach1 Studios
VR game, blueprint programmer.

**** Infinite Episode 1: Crashed - Project: Gateway VR Studios
VR game, blueprint programmer/level designer.

**** Logitech Wheel Plugin
GitHub Link

Portfolio: My portfolio has some of my UE4 and UDK work. Check out my blueprint demo reel to see some of my UE4 work in action.

Blueprint Demo Reel:
Youtube Demo Reel

E-mail: [EMAIL=“danrb1992@gmail.com”]danrb1992@gmail.com
Discord: drb8462#8265
Skype: drb1992

Additional Information:
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me through Discord, Skype, or Email.

I’m available again. Unfortunately everything I’ve worked on the past 6 months is under NDA, so I can’t share what I’ve been working on. The only exception to this is the Logitech Wheel Plugin I created, which a client let me release to the community for free. If you’ll be attending GDC this year, you can see a demo I helped put together for Vreo](http://vreo.io/?lang=en) at the Project: Gateway exhibit.

I’m available to work. While I can’t show footage of what I worked on the past several months, I can send you my CV upon request, which goes into detail on some of my recent work.

I sent you a PM

I’m currently available again.

has worked on projects for us for the past year and has done great work. He built the Competitive Shooter IPSC listed in his previous work for us. He has a great eye towards the little details that really make a project pop.

I’m available again.

I updated some of my info.

Here’s an Audio Visualization system I made over the weekend.

I updated my blueprint demo reel.

I’m available to work. Also my Logitech Wheel Plugin is now available on GitHub.

Here’s a inventory and context sensitive action system that I’ve been working on. It’s still in the early stages but the drag and drop and context sensitive functionality is coming along well.


I’m available again. I just finished a small job where I created an entire game mostly using UMG. A few of the UI systems I made are a Store that lets you purchase and upgrade units, Multiple Choice Questions, Drag and Drop Missile Defense, Mission Results Screens, and Mission Select Screen.

You can message me through Discord or by email

danrb1992@gmail.com/ Beaty and I worked together and he did a fantastic job. Not only did he lay the foundation of the game I was attempting to build but he made it simple for me to make alterations. His knowledge of programming made the code very clean and efficient. I highly recommend him for any Unreal/gaming work.

Thanks Chester. It was a pleasure working with you.

I’m available to work again. I can share a little info on a project I’ve been working on. I created zoned navigation and spawning for an Island map. AI will auto populate the island based on their assigned zone. The AI will currently wander around on the beach looking for a mate. While they can navigate to anywhere on the Island, they prefer to stay close to their territories. Another AI behavior I created is swimming movement/navigation. The AI can transition from land to water and vice versa. If you would like to know more, feel free to ask. Below is an image of the navigation zones.

Very impressive work, i also love the Logitech Wheel Plugin, and your workflow.

an Urban-Based game is in early Development, and could use someone like you to further the progress more quickly. Team is small but growing:

Thank you for the interest, but I’m currently only looking for paid work.

I’m available for work again. Also I recently finished creating a fully functioning Options Menu for Beyond Architecture. The art assets were provided to me, but I created the widgets and hooked them into the game’s code.

I’m currently looking for work. For the past year, I’ve been working as a programmer on a game called Tech vs Magic(TVM) by Exis Interactive. I worked on a number of TVM’s core systems such as Abilities, Flying Locomotion, Vehicles, Animation Blueprints, Weapons, and Networking. This game also gave me my first experience with Steam integration and pushing game builds to Steam.