PAID - Networking Assistance - Server Setup - API Scripting

Hello! Currently I am working on a game with several other individuals and we are giving this our all. Our goal is to create a Multiplayer RPG Medieval style game where players will create accounts and log in when every time they start the game. The account they will be creating will be stored in a database on the server. The server must communicate through API’s where players can create, edit and even delete there own accounts. Players will also be able to create characters that will be stored in the database as well. The database will be comprised of several different tables that hold all the information from the game.

Our goal:
Create a server
Create API’s to communicate between Server and Game
Create security Protocols that will protect our game and database

Database breakdown:
Number of Tables:8
Table List;

Items Table – Holds all the information for every item in the game(Armor, Weapons, Consumables, etc.)
Creatures Table – Holds all the information for every creature in the game(From basic Animals to World Bosses)
NPC Table – Holds all the information for every Non-Playable Character in the game(Guards, Quest Givers, Skill Trainers, etc.)
Characters Table – Holds all the information for every Players character in the game(each account will be allowed 8 Characters per server)
Accounts Table – Holds all the information for every Players Account in the game(The Login Username, Password, Email, etc.)
Quests Table – Holds all the information for every Quest in the game(Quest Giver ID, Quest Location, Required Item for Completion, Next Stage Quest ID, Reward, etc.)
Structures Table – Holds all the information for every structure in the game(Buildings, Bridges, Towers, Players Custom Structures(player building), etc.)
Events Table – Holds all the information for any event in the game(Holiday Events, World Changing Events, etc.)

This is a heavy request which is why I am willing to pay, step by step. As the process of the server setup progresses, each step is completed we will pay for the work accomplished.