(PAID) Looking for UE5.4 Programmer to implement Online Multiplayer to Marketplace Templete

Looking for someone experienced in online game development to implement online multiplayer into the game with proximity chat. Will compensate a flat rate for the job. Please be experienced, no scammers as I can easily tell when someone is trying to finesse me.

Hello, Let me know what you require, you can connect me at srikant@realityscale.com


This is a game that I am working on.
It has HOST base online multiplayer and chat system.
you can download and test it with your friend.

And my other project showcase a in-game chat system with bubbles
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls1QopJ9GKM&t=226s (3:47)

If you need something like that.
Please contact me.
My e-mail is regan@pixfox.io

Hey my name is Fabian would be happy to learn more about your project you can easily contact me here: fabian@neoxentertainment.com here you can also find my portfolio: portfolio 2024 full.pdf - Google Drive

Hello, take a look at my resume and portfolio.

Resume: Link
