[PAID/CONTRACT/FULL TIME] Joe "Fr0z3nR" Radak - (VR)Level Designer for hire

Hi everyone! I’m Joe Radak a level designer from New Jersey. I have multiple years experience in both traditional and VR level design.


3 years UE4 experience (including experience with blueprint programming)
7 years level design experience.
2 years VR level design experience.
4 years indie deving it up.

Previous Work:
Black Mesa - Level Designer/Level Artist
End of the Line/Gun Mettle Update, Team Fortress 2 - Level Designer
Light Repair Team #4 (VR) - Level Designer/Environmental Artist/Producer

Email: JBragdonR@gmail.com
Twitter: @Fr0z3nR (DM’s open)](https://twitter.com/Fr0z3nR)
If both fail, yell really loud or attempt to converse via smoke signals

Additional Info:
~2 hours outside of midtown Manhattan
Available most days a week
Have an HTC Vive (Pre) and Oculus Rift + Touch, Daydream and GearVR (S8+) also
Travel possible, but depends on location
Absolutely love RPG and Puzzle games

Comments/Feedback welcome.

Do you have any more UE4 work hiding around, your portfolio is dominated by Source engine stuff and the only UE4 work I see is in the style of Super Hot so it makes it difficult to determine your skill level in Unreal

Light Repair Team #4 and Superpunch are both in UE4. Design by me. I’ve also been working on an upcoming game called Fruit for the Village, Design, Art, BP Code by me.

EDIT: Oh, and if it also helps, I developed the Udacity Course for Unreal Engine 4 VR.

~bumping this up as I’m still available for work~