Paddle a raft

When my character enters the raft, i want him to deactivate, then i want the E key to paddle the raft in the direction the camera is looking. Attached is a snippet.

Hey @threedeenyc! Welcome to the forums!

It sounds like you are wanting to treat the raft more as a vehicle and control it as one, is that correct? If that is so, I would highly suggest giving it the same treatment as a vehicle where you would want to possess the raft itself with your character in it. Check out this non-Epic affiliated example to help you get started:

I hope the above is the solution you needed! If not, please explain in further detail what error you are facing.

Thank you. The persons voice is a tough to decipher, but i appreciate it.
Wondering if its just a simpler blueprint.

  • When on raft, disable first person movement.
  • While on raft, use W to paddle in the direction we are looking. Posted a screenshot of my blueprint currently above

Hey @threedeenyc,

You certainly can try using your above code if it’s the effect you are looking for. You will, however, just be calling events to the raft from your character and not actually controlling the raft. Was there something wrong with not working with your above method? You provided a snippet but did not explain the issue you were facing.