Packing problem:dependency ..was not actually in the linker tables and so will be ignored (2)

Hello I seem to be stuck and I need some help!

I have a map blueprint that does not seem to be including the simulation blueprint, attached is the log and also my settings for the project.

I cant seem to get it to work, any ideas?

The Error:

Fatal error: [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/SavePackage.cpp] [Line: 5011]
UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): LogWindows: Error: A dependency ‘ObjectFilter /Game/BluePrints/SimulationBP.Default__SimulationBP_C:prototype.FilterSystem.FilterSet_0.filter’ of ‘Prototype /Game/ELTPOC.ELTPOC:PersistentLevel.SimulationBP1.prototype’ was not actually in the linker tables and so will be ignored (2).
