Packed Level Actor - Component was not packed

Is there any limitations for which actors can be packed into Packed Level Actor? I am not able to insert any blueprints, particle systems or light sources into Packed Level Instance. When I try to save my changes (commit) - warning occurs that says:

PackedLevelActor: Warning: Component '/Temp/Game/Levels/World_02/PackedLevelActor/PLA_Building_01_LevelInstance_ba7b56520c133dcd_0.PLA_Building_01:PersistentLevel.PointLight_UAID_147DDA759A87D65D01_1545463107.LightComponent0' was not packed
PackedLevelActor: Warning: Actor '/Temp/Game/Levels/World_02/PackedLevelActor/PLA_Building_01_LevelInstance_ba7b56520c133dcd_0.PLA_Building_01:PersistentLevel.PointLight_UAID_147DDA759A87D65D01_1545463107' was not packed completely (1 warning(s))

If someone will be able to share knowledge and materials on that topic I would be really appreciated. Also please advise if it is possible to refer to packed level actor OR to level instance from the level sequencer as to the single object? Thanks!

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Ran into a same issue. Unfortunately Documentation (kind of) clearly says only Static Meshes could be stored in a Packed Level Blueprint.
I will appreciate any advice for workaround. ty

I am having a similar issue.