PackagingResults:Error: Error Unknown Error

hello,i’m newby in unreal,my problem is everytime i make a package project,it gives me a "Packaging Failed"message,what should i do?please help me guys,thanks in advance,

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sorry for the version,i’m using 4.14.3,thanks in advance,god bless,

Hello chymera14,.

I have a quick suggestion for you. Could you try adding an empty C++ class to your project and let me know if you are then able to build?

thank you sir rudy,i will try to add an emty C++class,i will study it first,because i’m totally new in everything in unreal,so much appreciated your time sir rudy,god bless,

Please be sure to update the thread when you have additional information and I will be happy to investigate further (if needed).

good day sir rudy,i want to thank you for the time you spend for me to solve my problem,the first thing i did in my problem is i change my windows from windows 7 to windows 10,then my visual studio 2015 fits my windows,that’s what i think,i try to package a scene that i download from the internet,and it builds completely,thank you again sir,

It sounds like you were able to resolve your issue. I will convert your last comment to an answer. If this is not the case please feel free to reopen this issue with more information.

Make it a great day