PackagingResults:Error: Error Unknown Error

Hello all!

I am trying to launch on windows, and I am using perforce as source control. The output log can be seen here: Output Error -

So far this game is a simple copy of the endless runner tutorial, with the addition of a main menu from a partner that uses a widget blueprint and a single texture as far as I know.

I kind of think this is a perforce created error, most build errors are from being unable to write and delete files.

From cook.txt (when trying other launch methods via project launcher):

LogConfig:Warning: Failed to saved backup for config[Engine]
LogConfig:Warning: Failed to saved backup for config[Game]
LogConfig:Warning: Failed to saved backup for config[Input]
LogConfig:Warning: Failed to saved backup for config[Editor]
LogConfig:Warning: Failed to saved backup for config[EditorPerProjectUserSettings]
LogConfig:Warning: Failed to saved backup for config[EditorSettings]
LogConfig:Warning: Failed to saved backup for config[EditorLayout]
LogConfig:Warning: Failed to saved backup for config[EditorKeyBindings]
LogConfig:Warning: Failed to saved backup for config[Compat]
LogConfig:Warning: Failed to saved backup for config[Lightmass]
LogConfig:Warning: Failed to saved backup for config[Scalability]
LogConfig:Warning: Failed to saved backup for config[GameUserSettings]

LogFileManager:Error: Error deleting file ‘C:/…/Desktop/Workspace/EndlessRunner/Intermediate/CachedAssetRegistry.bin’.

Also error generated when trying to launch standalone preview (or standalone from the ‘play’ button menu next to launch if that is the incorrect title)
Unable to save package to

C:/…/Desktop/Workspace/EndlessRunner/Saved/Autosaves/Game/ThirdPersonBP/Maps/UEDPCRunMode.umap because the file is read-only!