PackagingResults: Error: Error Launch failed! Missing UE4 Game binary

Hey guys,

I’m just a silly artist with very little (no?) understanding of ‘under-the-hood’ issues. I’ve looked for an answer to this - and while I have found discussions about it - the solutions lack the detail for me to actually understand the fix.

PackagingResults:Error: Error Launch failed! Missing UE4Game binary.
You may have to build the UE4 project with your IDE. Alternatively, build using UnrealBuildTool with the commandline:
UE4Game <Platform> <Configuration>

That is the error I get when trying to launch my game. I really need a step-by-step. I don’t even know what a GitHub is :confused:

Dodges the flying rotten tomatoes

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It looks like the game has not been built, Try clicking the “Compile” button on the main UE4 tool strip.
This is odd because the editor rebuilds the code for me each time I package the gate, Unless launching uses different logic.


Hmmm, I’m not seeing a ‘Compile’ button anywhere…

That may only show for C++ projects, Have you tried using the “Package” option ?
The package option causes all (relevant) items to be compiled and placed in the specified directory for me.


just in case someone has this issue, go to packaging setting and set build to ‘Always’.


I’ve tried the solutions above, but have had no luck. Below is the error I’m getting when I try and launch my project.

LogPlayLevel: Error: ERROR: Stage Failed. Missing receipt ‘D:\UE4\Unreal-Projects\VrTest\Binaries\Android\’. Check that this target has been built.
LogPlayLevel: (see C:\Users\Brett\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\D+UE4+UE_4.22\Log.txt for full exception trace)
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Build Task, Time: 0.754044
LogPlayLevel: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=103 (Error_MissingExecutable)
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Deploy Task, Time: 0.000043
PackagingResults: Error: Launch failed! Missing UE4Game binary.
You may have to build the UE4 project with your IDE. Alternatively, build using UnrealBuildTool with the commandline:
UE4Game <Platform> <Configuration>

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You need to install the Visual Studio. That problem occures because you have C++ classes in your project and no IDE to compile them.

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Hi everyone, I am new here and would like to here your thoughts/approaches about an issue I currently have. So, I am working in Bootcamp, Unreal Engine 4.24.3 in combination with an Oculus Quest headset. My current problem occurs when I launch the project to the headset. According to the Output Log that stops the launch process: LogPlayLevel:* Error: ERROR: Stage Failed. Missing receipt ‘C:… .target’. Check that this target has been built. *

As well as: PackagingResults: Error: Launch failed! Missing UE4Game binary.
You may have to build the UE4 project with your IDE. Alternatively, build using UnrealBuildTool with the commandline:
UE4Game <Platform> <Configuration>

I already googled these problems and found different approaches such as adjust packaging settings (packed my project already - didn’t help), changing settings (like above mentioned ‘Always’ - didn’t help), adjust the project settings (didn’t help), Android SDK: naming specificly the directory (didn’t help). Anymore ideas? I kind of loosing hope :frowning: to solve this problem.

Many thanks in advance!


Hi guys. I got a similar error when compiling and launching my level. I noticed that I had previously installed a new “substance plugin”. After disabling it, the error disappeared. I specifically checked this on versions 4.24.3 and 4.25.3, I will be glad if it helps You.

Hi all, I ran into this same problem when I first started (uh, yesterday!).

The step I was missing was to go to File > Package Project, and choose the platform you’re working with. In my case, it is Android, so I selected "Android (Multi,DXT,ETC2). Then, I was prompted to save, and I chose my project folder root to save in. In my case, I selected **Documents/Unreal Projects/**project-name. This should match the path in your .target error, before the path segment /Binaries.

After this finished processing (took a while), I saved my project and pressed Launch (to my Android device). It was successful, with no .target or UE4Game binary errors.

Looking into my project root folder, I can see the new Binaries folder with the target file.


you just have to select the IDE you are using to encode

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I found a solution to this, it’s not perfect but works.
I created a new project… just called it "project name"2. Once it opens up. Close out of it, and delete everything in it, except the blue UE icon for launching it. Then copy of all of the content from your current project (from the file explorer, exlude the blue application icon).
Then, in your new project file explorer, delete the binaries, build, derivedatacahe, intermedietes, saved and source.
Then open the project, all of your content shoudl be there and it should play normally in editor. Then before you package, you need to create a “dummy” C++ file. So go to file → add C++ class → select class “none” → just call it test or something… this force UE to generate some sort of file. Then package, and it should work, at least it did for me.

if you have a lot of custom C++, this might not work, because I needed to delete the source file, but you could try no deleting source.

Not perfect, you have to basically migrate over to a new project… but I got it to work without recreating anything, so not too much loss/effort


DUDE THANK YOU!!! Ive been at it with this error for a week and almost gave up. This fixed my issue no problem! They only difference was I was in a blueprint project so instead of opening a blank C++ file, i just ha to create a blank blueprint file!

Try these methods :
Close unreal editor and delete saved,Binaries, Cache, Intermediate
Open the uproject create a dummy cpp file - which will lead to visual studio (should be set in source code preference)
build and compile uproject solution leading re-opening the Editor.
Package and select package folder same as project folder.

(May not be working always, but worth try)

I am encountering the same problem but it is project related not editor related. I downloaded the ActionRPG sample game and without changing anything I packaged it for android and got this error. But when I packaged a default template it went well without any errors.
So, here is what I did to solve the problem;
I tried to build or complie the project (buttons located on the toolbar) but failed.

  1. I went to the edit>editor preferences>general>source code and set it to vs2017. Because thats the version that I use.

  2. I went to the project settings and set the build option to Always. And build configuration to shipping.

This solved the problem. Because this problem is caused by not having the necessory files in the Binary folder of the project. The build process creates those files.

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this work amazing!!! thanks

Yes, I fixed this by changing the source code editor from rider to visual studio