I was performing a test with a fresh project when I realized there should be no reason my packaged project is 46MB (zipped) so I started digging around. Beyond the .PDB files being added, even though “Include Debug Files” is turned off, it is adding a bunch of content that I don’t see how it’s being referenced. Granted, I am still trying to narrow everything down, excluding plugins I don’t need, and anything else I keep finding every iteration of attempting to reduce the package size.
When I extract my PAK file I noticed there is a lot of content in there that I really don’t think should be included. I have Mobile completely disabled, to the best of my knowledge, and it is including “MobileResources” into the PAK. HUD elements and controls I am not even using. It’s even adding a “Tutorial” folder with a bunch of assets. It’s even including the “BasicShapes” folder with Cone, Cube, etc… “EngineDebugMaterials”
Is there anything else I could be missing in the Packaging options to remove all of these files? My folder (from the extracted PAK file) is only 252KB and the “Engine” folder is 66.9MB.
I have “Exclude editor content when cooking” enabled, “Exclude movie files when staging” enabled, I’m only including one blank map, “For Distribution” is enabled, I am Inclusively nativizing blueprints, and not including prerequisites or the crash reporter.
Is this something that just happens on 4.20.3?
Any help would be appreciated. I am going to continue to see if I can reduce the size myself, of course.