Didn’t see any errors in logs, what’s this about then?
Do you really need an installer?
I feel that having a binary installer is very much a thing of the past.
Most distribution platforms such as Steam will have you upload the unpackaged files.
Personally i just use a .bat file that copies all files from the UDK install into it’s own “packaged” directory (so you omit all dev related files).
You can cook the game also without using frontend (before copying the necessary files):
call UDK.exe CookPackages -platform=PC MyMap1.udk MayMap2.udk -full -multilanguagecook=INT
The additional (huge) benefit of this is that you can use the 64bit exe for both running your game, and to run the CookPackages commandlet. Using the 32bit exe (which frontend uses) would regularly crash for me with memory errors, due to the memory limitations of 32 bit.
Excuse me for taking so long to reply.
The main thing I’m concerned about actually is if you can distribute and sell an uncooked UDK game with the default UDK exe. I felt there might be legal issues with that because it’s too close to just distributing the UDK itself. This is why I was trying to squeeze at least something out of the buggy frontend.
Thank you for the advice so far.
What i suggest is to install your game via the installer and then run a diff against the installed game and your UDK directory. You’ll notice that all the files in the installed directory are just copies of what you have in your UDK directory. This will also help you write your .bat script to know which files you need to copy.
Also, note that i mentioned previously that you still cook your game as part of your .bat script. So you are not distributing any uncooked asset files.