Packaging the project to a reasonable size

I’ve been editing the Matrix City Sample city and soon want to export an edited version of it, the project size is over 100gb, but the original playable build folder is 18gb, however another project I exported was around the 1.6gb and the playable build total folder contents too, how do I make sure I can export the project at a reasonable size,

One more thing I set the engine scalability to medium in the project editor, does that translate to the final build or do I need to do something else

Fair warning, the City Sample demo is notoriously large and you will probably have a hard time whittling it down significantly. These kinds of tech demos are meant to be the most cutting edge and realistic examples at the time of release, and project size is not carefully monitored.

You can use the Size Map on the entire Content folder and get a breakdown of where all that storage space is being taken up. There are probably a lot of 4k and 8k textures, a lot of high res meshes, skeletal meshes, HLODs for the city, etc.

The scalability settings change the rendering features to use more or fewer samples but don’t necessarily change the source content. Once assets are imported into the project you can’t really reduce their size much. To change the Scalability setting in the game, use the console command scalability 2 or just scalability to see your options. You can Execute Console Command from Blueprints.

One thing you can look into for reducing packaged binary size is changing the settings for Oodle compression

Thanks for your help, it zips down to around 68gb as a whole project but that’s still kind of large, I’d be satisfied enough with the 18gb build that the deveopers got it down to if possible, I’ll take a look at the oodle compression and see what I can do with it, even if it does export as a huge file I guess I could use a separate file compressor on it, but the build time might be really long

You might see if 7zip gets it any smaller. But 68GB is pretty good for that project. There’s just a massive difference between all the raw source data and the compiled cooked data. There will aways be a big gap there and you won’t get the project files down to 20GB without actually modifying and deleting assets, which will also reduce the build size.