Hi, is there a way to package a standalone application like UnrealFrontend or BlankProgram with the game? I tried to use ExtraModuleNames.Add(“BlankProgram”); inside my game Target.cs game file, but it gives “UnrealEngine.h no such file or directory”, the problem is caused by the WITH_ENGINE define set to 1 which is normally set to 0 when compiling only the standalone application. Maybe WITH_ENGINE is set to 1 because my game module has Engine inside its dependency modules. What I’m trying to achieve is to have the two modules compiled separately and then packaged together when using for example UnrealFrontend.
UnrealBuildTool has not a good documentation, so I tried to find something in its code without success.
Thank you in advance for the help!
Solved watching how CrashReportClient is packaged inside AutomationTool and changing a bit some AutomationTool classes.
To add the final .exe and .pdb I used RuntimeDependencies inside my game Build.cs.