The editor works fine getting spectrum data from soundwave. I test it by getting one of the element in spectrum array data and it prints out correctly running on editor. After done packaging file, open up the application, the value return 0. So I guess the problem is at the sound visualization plugin part, the build is successful with no any error tho. Please help thx =]
Anyone? Recently I’ve also tried making this movie in matinee but it seems like getting the same problem. I create a bool to start the music by setting the value to true at Event begin play in level blueprint. However when I play the movie in matinee (AVI format), there’s no sound played (AudioComponent in AudioSpectrum BP) and the value I trace return 0. Testing on Editor “Play” and “Simulate” work perfectly though.
If you look at the source code (SoundVisualizationStatics.cpp), you see that this option is only supported in the editor. I am looking into this myself. Also see this thread:
UE_LOG(LogSoundVisualization, Warning, TEXT("Get Amplitude does not work for cooked builds yet."));
The thing is that the editor loads the sound as raw wav files, while a deployed game uses some kind of compressed format (ogg?), so only in the editor can the wav file be extracted. I have made code that uses Windows Media Foundation to load files and do Fourier transforms on.
So do you mean the compressed sound format is not supported for this plugin? If so maybe there’s some compression settings can be changed on build.