I am messing around in Unreal and when I went to go package my game it gives me an “Packaging Results: Error: Unknown Error”. The line right before that says build fail however when I build all levels it completes just fine. I get no other errors or warnings. A different project in the same version as this one (5.2) was able to be packaged just fine. I am totally lost as I am still new. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
This is the screenshot from the output when I try to package it. If you need more I have the full output on a notepad doc but wasn’t sure how to attach that. Thank you.
Sorry I thought the red line was the error. I went back and read through it all. I am seeing some cache things but the red is saying there is an error in the input settings. I had messed around in there but when I realized it didn’t work I reverted everything back to normal. I followed the info to the input screen. I cant compile it. I don’t know how to delete that. The setting on the left and the blueprint itself all has the correct input lists so I am unsure where this “Input Settings Pause” is. I scrubbed every blueprint that I touched for this and it all looks the same as it did before.
You then need to reach out to the creator of this product, because, more than likely, this person has to update references to input and whatever else is deprecated.
It’ll take far too much of your or my time to figure out, remotely, what’s going on, when they can pin-point it right away.