I tried to package the current version of my game for Windows 64bit, but as some of you experienced before I recieved a Cook Error. I am using UE 4.10. I read most of the topics regarding this error some of them gave solutions some of them were uncomplete. But none of the solutions I read worked for me
I tried:
Upgrade to version 4.11 and try to package the game;
Rename the folder whre the project is, Open it again, Close it, Rename the folder to its original name, Open it again and package it;
Delete the three folders in my game folder(Config,Saved and Intermediate) and then package the game.
restart my computer, open the project, refresh some of the blueprints(using refresh all nodes command) and package the game.
Re-save all of my materials and package the game.
etc, the list is long.
I read that I need to upload my error log so you guys can have a look yourselves:
I hope that you can find the missing peace of the puzzle that I did not.
I am not sure how to do the second step, I mean from where can I disable all the plugins? I searched in the project settings and I found a Plugins section but there only 3 plugins sort of speak to choose from. Is that it ? And I have a problem I am using experimental plugins Like widgets attached to pawns and actors( I hope I explaind taht well).
For the third step- how can I package before cooking. I looked in the project settings again under packaging but I could not find it. Any suggestions?
P.S. I tryed to package the game with one the first step done ofcourse but it didn not work out.
I had some testing to do today, so I couldn’t answer right away.
I followed your steps, but it didn’t work out Now when I press edit i cant see the pluging option anymore. I saved my package report and my cook report after packaging. If you think they might help I can upload them as well.
Somebody else suggested going into the /bin directory and change the exe name to not include ‘-win32-shipping’ - EG: make sure its the actual name of your project. That worked perfectly for me.