Packaging project results in black screen

So I’m trying to export a test scene using file>package project>windows. This file works great when I play in editor or click launch button, but packaging project results in a black screen. Any reason why it’s doing this?

Also, how do I package a project for 64bit, rather than 32bit? Right now only folder in Binaries is win32. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!

When you say ‘packaging project results in black screen’, I assume you mean that when you launch packaged project, it opens in a black screen. If that is case, it sounds like you might not have a startup map configured in your project settings, and what you are seeing is empty Entry.umap, which is default map that has nothing in it.

You can verify this by activating in-game command console (bound to Tilde ‘~’ by default). If console opens, you can type following to load your new map: open name_of_your_map

To change default map that is loaded on startup, go to Edit → Project Settings → Maps & Modes (I believe), and change your Default Maps. Also make sure to hit ‘Save as Default’ button when done, so that these settings are applied to packaged projects as well.

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Thanks for help.

btw, there’s no console in packaged game(tilde doesn’t do anything). Is there a way to access it?

Hey actual,

tilde key should open console in a packaged game. Have you tried packaging one of our sample projects, or a new project, and pressing tilde in game?

Yep. I had game on ship :\ thanks

Thank you!

For anyone else banging their head against wall, maybe you had same problem I had. It appears that naming your custom entry map Entry, even if it’s your content browser, will cause this issue. I’m guessing this is because Epic already has a map named Entry and it somehow conflicts.

I ended up changing my entry map name to MainMenuLevel to avoid this project.

Problem solved - Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

Unbelievable and surprising but true!

Hi, Where is the “save as default button”?
if i use console to open map it works but even though its set in maps and modes it still doesn’t load.

Also make sure to hit ‘Save as Default’ button when done, so that these settings are applied to packaged projects as well.

Game worked fine in editor, default level set, but still had black screen and “Not Responding” in task manager when running packaged game.

Workaround I found was:

  1. Run quick launch in editor, game should open.
  2. Extract build folder at YourGameFolder/Saved/StagedBuilds/Windows
    (YourGame.exe and other necessary files inside)
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Same issue here.

I checked the “Project Settings, All Settings”, and filtered for “map”. Then, under “Server Default Map” the “Entry” map was still selected. I changed that to my startup map and it appears to have fixed it.

I had the same problem, but I solved it in a different way: Shipping build crashes with DX12 and Raytracing enabled - #24 by Mirror_Visuals