Packaging problems : Actors missing parts?

Hi, just getting into packaging and hit an interesting issue: Some of my procedural-type actors (actors that use things like spline meshes and ISMs in the CS or Dynamic Mesh components) are not working properly.

Some, which are simpler (say just a spline mesh) work just fine. While others, say one that spawns ISMs along a spline, only shows 1 ISM. Or another, that is a child of Generated Dynamic Mesh Actor and use spline meshes, ISMs and a procedurally generated mesh only displays 1 ISM and nothing else (no spline mesh, no dynamic mesh component). *none of these actors are meant to be dynamic at runtime.

This happens after packaging or if I run in ‘Standalone Game’ mode from the editor (not sure if that matters)

Update: I don’t think I changed anything relevant and suddenly my actor that is supposed to spawn ISM’s on a spline suddenly worked in a packaged build…

I’m using 5.4.2

Long story short, ISM’s eventually sorted themselves out but the kicker was: don’t use GeneratedDynamicMeshActor as a parent, use DynamicMeshActor instead. Big ups to @DevinSherry

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