Packaging problem with UE5.3 MetaHuman project

Hi to all,

I’m trying to release one of my projects in UE5.3 because I need to stream it to multiple people at the same time, however to stream it I need the “Shipping” package or the “Development” package would also be fine.

Until 5 days ago, every time I tried to create the package it crashed almost immediately telling me that the Metahuman plugin was not being compiled because the metahuman MANIFEST was missing. I solved it by moving the plugin from the engine into my project.

Then the second problem was that the manifest for Niagara was missing. Very strange thing… So I uninstalled (numerous times) the engine and cleaned (intermediate, bin and derivedDataCache) of my project until (RANDOMLY) it started… now it continues the problem is that the build takes 3+ hours and then at a certain point it crashes… without giving me an actual problem but a generic error.

I really don’t know what to do anymore, my project weighs 20gb and there’s all the essential stuff inside, so I can’t remove anything. Packaging takes a long time to do this:

LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 16314.083984, Update Interval: 333.384796
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 16706.017578
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 16706.160156, Update Interval: 329.956970
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 17068.214844
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 17068.357422, Update Interval: 342.725311
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 17457.480469
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 17457.640625, Update Interval: 359.873657
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 17856.353516
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 17856.501953, Update Interval: 344.942780
LogDerivedDataCache: C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/Common/DerivedDataCache: Maintenance finished in +00:00:42.106 and deleted 0 files with total size 0 MiB and 0 empty folders. Scanned 22067 files in 24316 folders with total size 6708 MiB.
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 18240.250000
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
LogEOSSDK: LogEOS: ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 18240.396484, Update Interval: 309.085968

It goes on like this for hours. I put shipping package + cooking on the fly.

I have an RTX4070Ti + i714700k so hardware is not the issue. Maybe it could be a compatibility issue?

P.s. My project in editor works well without any error… So i really don’t have any idea of why it takes too long to package and why it crashes after 3 hours.


Finds out my Windows 11 was corrupted, reinstalled it from 0 and now it works well.

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