Packaging Problem (UE 4.27)

I’m having trouble packaging my tech demo which I am currently making in Unreal Engine 4.27 and will later recreate in UE 5.0. I have included a link to the log file containing the results of the failed attempt to cook and package the entire project. There are many errors and warnings, which I am unsure of how to correct. Any pointers or offers to examine the demo in Unreal Editor are greatly appreciated! I will upload the .zip file and provide a link by private message.

Here is the link: MyProject3.log - Google Drive

WARNING: The code is very, very long.

I forgot to mention: the five levels and associated widgets work and there have been no errors reported when each widget and level blueprint is compiled. But, there are still 25 errors and nearly 3,000 warnings whenever I try to package the project. I don’t know how I can fix those problems, and I’m at my whit’s end.