Hey everyone, I’ve got a silly issue that’s left me baffled. I have a game that I’m trying to port to Mac with Unreal 5.2; I want to package as Shipping/Distribution, though it keeps resulting in a development build. I’ve played around in the project launcher section but can’t seem to get a normal [insertprojnamehere].app to be produced as shipping. Days wasted messing around with this. Any insight would be most helpful. Thanks!
Did you read the launcher docs?
It may be an obvious question, but I helped someone recently, and they had been configuring the launcher, and then packaging from the ‘Platforms’ menu…
yeah I’ve read these docs; I can use this mode but it’s janky; is this the only way to package shipping now? Seems a little un-intuitive.
It’s the only way I know of…
Word, thanks! I appreciate it; gives me a place to focus. So, I’ve noticed on Mac, this option doesn’t button up a nice executable like UE4, etc. I guess that’s OK though, as long as it works in Steam.
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Sorry, don’t know about how it works on a mac.
There’s a lot of options in there though…
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