Hi Unreal Community,
I’m a bit new to Unreal and having trouble launching or packaging a project. Have gone through the troubleshooting guide and even rebuilt the project but I can’t pinpoint the problem. A clean project works fine. Could use any help I can get. Feel free to ask any questions if any additional info can help.
Engine version: 4.15
Windows 10 (64-bit)
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Hi jamesoloughlin,
The following error was found in the supplied log; UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: Windows SDK v8.1 must be installed in order to build this target.
Please see https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/12867/generateprojectfilesbat-fails-due-to-needing-windo.html for the solution to resolve the error.
Hope this helps. Cheers,
Thanks project.gheist for the help but still not working.
Followed the solution from the linked thread and still no dice. Here is an updated Output Log. Let me know if you spot anything new. Also if you have any tips on how to spot errors like you, I can learn to catch my own fish 
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I figured out the solution, seems to have worked.
Had to update my Visual Studios from one of the answers found in this thread.
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