I tried this in the packaging subject and didn’t get any response, so I thought I’d check here. So, I have an NPC that is set to follow the player. When doing the test play, he follows perfectly. He’s supposed to follow the player inside a building, and does. However, when I actually package the game, he stops at the threshold and will not follow the player inside. Any insight into what I’m doing wrong?
- double check any warning/errors during the packaging
- check the output log of your packaged project for any hint
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In truth, looking at the output log is a lot like reading a foreign language to me. I don’t see any errors that are flagged, but I’m not even sure where to start to try to see problems.
you will have to dig more into, it kinda hard to guess where the issue.
Try to add some print string on each steps of your AI Npc movement.
Take some time to understand the text file output log(after packaging inside it folder)
During the cooking process, look for any yellow or red text in the output log.
double check your game mode is properly setup too.
All good advice. It looks like I’m going to have to do a lot of homework.
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