Packaging IOS blueprint project asked for remote server when using Google VR plugin

I’m attempting to create a new project that uses google cardboard on IOS. My project is a blueprint only project. Whenever I attempt to launch the project or package it, I’m getting compiler related issues. I’d like to develop exclusively on PC and avoid using xcode where possible. My provision and certification are all in order.

After looking through many other questions, it would appear that unreal needs to compile the google VR plugin. When I turn off every plugin on a new project it packages just fine and creates the IPA file. If I turn on only the Google VR plugin, I get these issues.

Is it possible to compile the google VR plugin since it resides in the engine folder and not the project folder? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I have few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
  3. Could you provide screen shots of any settings/blueprints that may be involved with this issue?
  4. Could you provide your output logs so that I could take a look at the errors you are getting?
  5. What device are you using?
  6. What is the current OS being run on the device?

Sure, here goes

  1. Yes, I tried the repro the issue in a new project, it still occurs.

  2. Here are the steps.
    a. Create a new empty project in UE4.15 (The launcher version, not the github version) setting hardware to Mobile/tablet, Maximum Quality, no starter content
    b. Open the project and turn off all plugins except google VR.
    c. Reopen project
    d. Save default map
    e. Open project settings → platforms → ios. Set Bundle Display name and Bundle Identifier to match the provision info
    f. Go to File → Package Project → IOS
    g. The message log gives me this error:
    “Error Remote compiling requires a server name. Please specify one in the Remote Server Name settings field.”

  1. [link text][2]

  2. Iphone 6

  3. IOS 10.3.1


After doing a bit of digging I was able to find another post with the same issue. I have provided a link below. It appears that this is working as intended. You will have build remotely/directly on a Mac in order to package after adding a plugin to the project that requires being compiled (google VR plugin in this case) when trying to package for iOS. I hope that this information helps.

Link: Unable to deploy on iOS devices in 4.13.1 - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums

Make it a great day