Hello guys,
I purchased Low Entry’s Socket Connection plugin couple days ago.
It works to make online game over internet between win64 builds and .apk files on android.
It is good and fun plugin.
UE4 can do packaging for win64 build and .apk build with Low Entry’s Socket Connection plugin.
But UE4 fails to package HTML5 build with Low Entry’s Socket Connection plugin.
Just for test ,I did packaging HTML5 build of new blank scene loading free third party code plug-ins that is available on UE4 market place.
All of free code plugins caused package failure of HTML5 build as long as I tested one by one.
I tested with UE4.9 UE4.12 , UE4.13, UE4.14.
So,it seems not only Low Entry’s Socket Connection plugin causes packaging failure of HTML5.
I know those free plugins are not made for HTML5 ,
But, considering that any other built-in plugins(those are not made for HTML5 either ) does not cause packaging failure of HTML5 ,
all free third party code plugins causes packaging failure of HTML5 makes me puzzled.
(Is this type of package failure happening only to me …?)
(Is this type of package failure happening to other not-free plugins …?)
I wonder if any other guys has same problem.
Here is links of threads that is discussing similar issue.
I read through those threads and tried suggestions made in those threads.
Nothing helps so far.
I’d like to package HTML5 build with Low Entry’s Socket Connection plugin.
That is my main purpose of purchasing this plugin.
Sharing any info related to packaging HTML5 with third party code plugin
will be appreciated.
Thank you
Hi trinitygrail,
I noticed on the marketplace page, in the comments section:
“Keep in mind that to use this plugin, you have two choices when it comes to the socket communication:
Option 1: You can either create a socket server with the Java library found here
Option 2: You can use raw sockets and use it with any socket server implementation you want
The downside of option 2 (raw sockets) is that you will need to create your own data transferring protocol to make that work well.
If you go for option 1 then this has already been done for you, with support for websockets (HTML5) build into it as well.”
Are you using option 1 above and it is not working? If so, please contact support for the plugin: ue4@lowentry.com
hi .
thank you for your response.
: Option 1: You can either create a socket server with the Java library found here.
“here” has no link. but i guess you intended to paste the link to this .jar library file provided by low entry.
Low Entry Public Files.
if so,yes,i have already implemented this .jar library to build java server program .
java server program was built from eclise with low entry’s .jar library.
java server program is deployed on VPS (virtual private server)i am renting.
java server program is successfully communicating win64 build and .apk android build pushed to my android.
so, i’m using low entry’s .jar library correct way.
what i am wondering is how to build html5 from ue4 loading with third party code plugin(low entry’s Socket Connection)
without build failure.
: Option 2: You can use raw sockets and use it with any socket server implementation you want The downside of option 2 (raw sockets) is that you will need to create your own data transferring protocol to make that work well. If you go for option 1 then this has already been done for you, with support for websockets (HTML5) build into it as well."
thanks for the info. it’s good to know.
but,before practicing option2,i need to know how to build html5 from ue4 loading with third party code plugin without build failure.
just loading any type of third party code plugin that is available on ue4 market place causes html5 build failure. (i tested all free third party code plugins)
build failure does not happen only to low entry’s plugins.
i have already contacted plugin creator ue4@lowentry.com .
his answer is latest ue4 is unstable about html5. any third party code plugin does not seem to work properly to build html5.
have you ever build html5 of new blank project loading any type of third arty code plugin?
is build done successfully on your side ?
thank you in advance for your support (^^)
Please try building using Frontend as answered on the following link: HTML5 packaging fail?
Let me know if this does not work for you and what errors/problems you run into if any.