Packaging game With my copyrights 4.8!

Hello community guys,

I have already post a thread for this for the 4.7 but now I am getting this problem again…
For the 4.7 to get your own copyrights in the exe when you compile the game (image Test.exe actully my packaging game). You had to open Test.rc file under source/Test/windows/Test.rc (you have a capture with one of my projects under 4.7.6 and modify the code in (examples in capture attachments)

But with the 4.8 this file disapeare and I can’t fill my own copyrights and version, etc…
I try everthing I configure all in the description tab (in the engine) but still not working.

So you guys did you have any ideas to modify this ? Please help me…

Thank you per advance I still working on so I will update :slight_smile: .

Hi Charles, is this from a source build? Could you post a bug report on the Answerhub?

Could you try to change the name of your RC file to PCLaunch.rc?

Thank for your responce :
No this is not from the source build…
Yes I will !! :slight_smile:

The problem is not for the 4.7 (first image , were there the .rc file) is for the 4.8 where I don’t have this rc file… :slight_smile:

THis is my content in the source folder for the 4.7.6 :

And this is my source content for the 4.8 !! :

OK soo thank you very mutch I manage to fix that just simply create a project in 4.7 and copy PCLaunch.rc in my 4.8 project (I create the …/…/ressources/Windows/balalaba.rc). I modify the code and generate the solution. After I just package the game in 64 bits for windows and that work perfectly !!! :slight_smile:

But is that normal that I can’t have my my .RC file when I create my project in C++ in 4.8 ?

Thank you per advace,

Charles :slight_smile:

Nice it worked out! I guess it should be as simple as in your first try. Could you post the link to the AnswerHUB post here?

I don’t actually create a Answerhub post but if you want I can :slight_smile: