Packaging game and Content Browser - few questions

Hi there!
I’m currently starting to work with UE4 and I’ll have a few questions about it. I already watched a dozens of different tutorials, but (for now) I haven’t find an answer for it. First two questions:

  1. When everything is set and ready and I package my game, it packs ONLY stuff that I added to level in editor, or ALL the assets that I have in my Content Browser? I mean, if I have f.e. 1000 assets in CB but I used only 500 in my game, engine packs only stuff I used, or all of it?

  2. Apropos Content Browser, when I want to use assets from different projects is there way to load it like in UDK (Load package)? For what I see, the only way to use
    stuff from others is to manually copy the files (via Explorer) into My Project folder. Or maybe I’m missing something… :open_mouth:


  1. It package only what is realyreally used by any of all your maps (beware of default content that contains two maps, the second one using every assets!)
  2. There is a way to import/Export (‘migrate’) between different projects, there already is an answer over there… Edit: How do I migrate materials properly to another project? - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums

Edit: okay, I was a little bit slow to respond :wink:

Hello Little Joe,

  1. When you package a game it should only package the assets that are used or needed.
  2. Packages are the old way of doing things in UDK. In UE4 if you want to use content from one project to another, you can right-click on the folder and select the migrate option. You should see an asset report of the assets it will move and from there you should be able to point it to the content folder you would like to move it to!

Hope that helps!

-Max B.

Ok! That works pretty well! Thank guys for quick response! :wink:

If it works for you, you should accept an answer so that the topic will be marked resolved.

Use this guide to package and distribute your project: