I have a plugin in my project that links to third-party library. Everything builds, but when I package my project for macOS, I can see the library as a dependency in otool output:
otool -L <...>/MacNoEditor/game.app/Contents/MacOS/game
However, Unreal does not create proper rpath that points to it and as a result when trying to start the game, it crashes because it can’t find the library.
All I see are rpaths for UE’s thirdparty libraries:
otool -l <..>/MacNoEditor/game.app/Contents/MacOS/game | grep RPATH -A2
cmdsize 32
path @loader_path/ (offset 12)
cmdsize 32
path @executable_path/ (offset 12)
cmdsize 72
path @loader_path/../UE4/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/PhysX3/Mac (offset 12)
cmdsize 88
path @loader_path/../UE4/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/OpenVR/OpenVRv1_5_17/osx32 (offset 12)
cmdsize 72
path @loader_path/../UE4/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Ogg/Mac (offset 12)
cmdsize 72
path @loader_path/../UE4/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Vorbis/Mac (offset 12)
I’d expect there be an rpath that points to the library inside the app bundle, game.app (and I can verify that the library has been copied inside the app bundle properly).
How can I fix RPATH for thirdparty dependencies?
I wrote a patch for UnrealBuildSystem that fixes RPATHs automatically, if the library is from “Plugins”. Since I can’t share the forked repo of UnrealEngine (it’s private), here is the patch:
diff --git a/Engine/Source/Programs/UnrealBuildTool/Platform/Mac/MacToolChain.cs b/Engine/Source/Programs/UnrealBuildTool/Platform/Mac/MacToolChain.cs
index f1781826290..f96a5b938ff 100644
--- a/Engine/Source/Programs/UnrealBuildTool/Platform/Mac/MacToolChain.cs
+++ b/Engine/Source/Programs/UnrealBuildTool/Platform/Mac/MacToolChain.cs
@@ -643,6 +643,20 @@ namespace UnrealBuildTool
string BundleRelativeDir = Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(BundleLibraryDir, ExeDir).Replace("\\", "/");
LinkCommand += " -rpath \"@loader_path/" + BundleRelativeDir + "\"";
+ if (LibraryFullPath.Contains("Plugins") || LibraryFullPath.Contains("ThirdParty"))
+ {
+ string ProjectDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(ProjectFile.ToString());
+ string GameName = Path.GetFileName(ExeAbsolutePath);
+ string BundleGameDir = Path.GetFullPath(BundleUE4Dir + "/" + GameName);
+ string PackagedLibPath = BundleGameDir + LibraryDir.Replace(ProjectDir, "");
+ string PackagedLibRpath = Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(PackagedLibPath, ExeDir).Replace("\\", "/");
+ LinkCommand += " -rpath \"@executable_path/" + PackagedLibRpath + "\"";
+ Log.TraceInformation("Fixing library RPATH for app bundle: {0} -> @executable_path/{1}",
+ PackagedLibPath, PackagedLibRpath);
+ }
// For staged code-based games we need additional entry if the game is not stored directly in the engine's root directory
if (bCanUseMultipleRPATHs)
You will then need to open the “UnrealBuildTool.sln” VS solution in “Engine/Source/Programs/UnrealBuildTool” and re-compile it.
I followed your steps, but I do not know where exactly should your code go in the UnrealBuildTool.sln.