Packaging for iOS app icons aren't included in the project


I want to report a bug which happens in the version 4.17.2. of the engine. My team have develop an application using this engine, we started in a previous version of the engine, and a few weeks ago we updated the project and the engine to the 4.17.2. version. Since this moment, we are unable to build a complete “.ipa” package for iOS because each time we package the project, the application icons aren’t included in the package and the information doesn’t appear in the “info.plist” file as well. The version of Xcode that we have installed in the Mac is the 8.3.3…

This is the problem that we have to upload the application to the App Store because of the following errors:

  • ERROR ITMS-90032: “Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key ‘CFBundleIcons’:‘AppIcon20x20’”
  • ERROR ITMS-90032: “Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key ‘CFBundleIcons’:‘AppIcon29x29’”
  • ERROR ITMS-90032: “Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key ‘CFBundleIcons’:‘AppIcon40x40’”
  • ERROR ITMS-90032: “Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key ‘CFBundleIcons’:‘AppIcon60x60’”
  • ERROR ITMS-90032: “Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key ‘CFBundleIcons’:‘AppIcon76x76’”
  • ERROR ITMS-90032: “Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key ‘CFBundleIcons’:‘AppIcon83.5x83.5’”
  • ERROR ITMS-90022: “Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly ‘120x120’ pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0”
  • ERROR ITMS-90023: “Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly ‘76x76’ pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0”
  • ERROR ITMS-90023: “Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPad of exactly ‘152x152’ pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 7.0”

And a warning reporting that the file is too big and was impossible to validate its use before to send it.

I have read in another thread of this forum that this was a bug present in the version 4.18. of the engine, so I don’t know if the problem exists in this version of the engine, or if there is something that I could do to fix this. I don’t know, I think is a bug of this version of the engine, but I don’t know. I have asked in another thread of the forum and other persons have the same problem.

Thanks in advance, and looking forward to hearing from you.

Same issue here. Got one build out to app store (testflight), but second version does not work and is completely bugged now…

So, after digging around for hours and hours I finally have a solution for this (using UE 4.17.2):

  1. Remove XCode 9
  2. Install XCode 8.3.3 (make sure to install it in the applications folder) - download it from Sign In - Apple
  3. Build!

This doesn’t work, mate, I have tried to uninstall and install both versions several times and package with Unreal Engine in 8.3.3. (the preferred one because of the shaders metal) and the output is always the same :S
This is a bug of the engine.

Hi. Any responde from this?

Is there any news about it?, We’re facing the same issue in EU 4.18.1 from github.

I resolved the issue by installing xcode 8.3.3 and set it up as the default compiler, it is not exactly a solution but is something at least.

In case you want to try the same:

  • Download xcode 8.3.3 from the AppStore
  • Open your applications window
  • Create a new folder, like Xcode8
  • Unpack the content of the downloaded xip inside the xcode8 folder
  • Open the terminal
  • Execute sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/XCode8/
  • Restart the computer

To check if the change takes effect you can open the console again and execute: sudo xcode-select --print-path, you should see the path to xcode 8.3.3

Now just regenerate the project files and go ahead.

NOTE: Is not necessary to uninstall the current version of XCode, both of them can be used in the same machine (but UE uses the default one to compile), so in the future if you want to back to the latest version of xcode just use the xcode-select command again.

I reported this back in October… I am really hoping for a fix soon.

I’m having this same issue. When making a For Distribution Shipping build, I discovered if you look in Binaries/IOS/Payload there are two .app files PROJECT_NAME and PROJECT_NAME-IOS-Shipping. All of the “missing” icon files are located in the PROJECT_NAME-IOS-Shipping app. If you right click and Open Package Contents, you can see them all.

This is what I do go get a working build:

  1. Make a For Distribution, Shipping
    build in the Engine

  2. Open Binaries/IOS/Payload folder in project directory

  3. Copy/Move all files from to (I have had to use Terminal to move files after updating to macOS High Sierra)

  4. Look at the Output in the Editor, and find a line that begins with the following Terminal command (it’ll be near the end of the Output from the Build process):

    /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign

  5. Copy the entire Terminal command (which will include a long alphanumeric key, the word entitlements, a path to a file, and a path to the file

  6. Paste the command into Terminal

  7. Run the pasted command; this will resign the file (this is required since you modified the .app bundle by adding the icon files in step 3).

  8. Copy the file into another directory.

  9. Make a new folder called “Payload”, in the same directory you copied your file to

  10. Move the file into the Payload folder you just made

  11. Zip the Payload folder

  12. Change the zipped Payload folder’s name to “distro_PROJECT_NAME.ipa”

  13. Make sure to use the .ipa extension, which turns the zipped folder into an iPhone app file

  14. Upload the .ipa file to TestFlight/App Store through Application Loader

I’ve been doing this for at least the past few months to get builds onto Test Flight and into the App Store; including my studio’s AR game Solitaire AR:

I’m really hoping for a fix soon. But at least this workaround works. Hope it helps!

One other thing to note: I’ve been using Xcode 9, 9.1, and now 9.2 to make builds. I’ve had to use this process for all For Distribution, Shipping Builds.

I wrote up this workaround in a Blog post on my studio’s website, which provides a little better format then here on AnswerHub:

Man… Thanks! I will give this a try. I have moved my current project, but I would love to know this works if any of my clients need me to make changes/updates to any Unreal projects. I sure wish there was an actual fix. It has been soooo long since this issue was reported. Do you think I could get you to add your fix to the other post I have reporting this issue? The link is above… That would be great so the Unreal team can see what is happening. Thanks!

I posted the workaround to the other thread, and linked back to this thread. Hopefully there will be a full fix in 4.19.x.

Also wanted to mention even with this workaround method, there are still icon files on iOS that appear as the Unreal Icon and not the app’s icon; as well as there are icons in the that are Unreal icons, which are also not present in the Project Settings for iOS. Even when modifying those to be actual app icons, there are still Unreal icons displayed on iOS.

Has there been any final fix for any of this? I have been checking back from time to time but haven’t seen any movement on this at all.

This issue appears to be fixed in 4.19.1. I just packaged an iOS app for Distribution, uploaded through Application Loader, distributed to my team on TestFlight, and everything worked great! Also, icons that were previously still UE4 icons are now all my app’s icon.