Hello, I am the creator of the Advanced Turn Based Tile Toolkit on the Unreal marketplace. This is a completely blueprint based project which could greatly benefit from Unreal’s new solution for converting blueprints to C++ code using “nativize blueprints” when packaging. However, checking this option before packaging results in failure. My asset is used by hundreds of users, so this affects all of them and I’ve been trying for days to figure out the source of this issue to no avail. I hope I can find some assistance here on AnswerHUB.
The OutputLog when packaging is not helpful. The entire output log can be found here. The final error reads “PackagingResults:Error: Error Unknown Error”. In addition to this is one warning saying “PackagingResults:Warning: Warning Warning Unable to find package for cooking /Game/Maps/TileMode”. TileMode is an actor that used to be included in the project, but is not anymore and it is not to be found in the folder structure. I doubt this is what is causing the error, but if anyone knows how to resolve this warning it probably won’t hurt. Another warning in the OutputLog that appears when opening the project (before packaging) is “LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Class None.’”. I also doubt this is the cause of the packaging error, but I have been unable to track down the source of this error.
The project is massive so it is very difficult to find the source of the packaging failure when the errors give so little information. I have tried to replicate the error in new, blank projects, but I have not been able to recreate this packaging failure. I have Visual Studio 2015 installed and packaging with nativized blueprints works for all example projects.
I welcome any ideas people may have for how I might go forward to identify the issue. As mentioned, because this is a marketplace asset it affects many people other than myself. My current plan is to delete blueprints one by one and packaging to see if the error is caused by one particular blueprint. This is very time consuming, but it is the only way forward I see at the moment.