I keep getting this error that just displays as:
LogInit: Display: LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: SkeletonBoneIndex != INDEX_NONE [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\AnimGraphRuntime\Private\AnimNodes\AnimNode_LayeredBoneBlend.cpp] [Line: 77]
I have no way of tracking where it triggers, because it doesn’t show the animation blueprint that’s causing the error. Any help would be much appreciated!
Apologies for not having the exact repro or details, but my team resolved this error shortly after I last posted.
The issue was that the blend mode was using a blend mask with “All” (see below) bones enabled. It was pointed out that it’s redundant to use all bones in a blend mask, since it’s basically doing the same thing as a simpler blend. After replacing that node with a “Two-Way Blend” the game would cook and package correctly.
In classic Unreal fashion, the error you have doesn’t do a great job at telling us what’s wrong and where. We had to just nuke assets until it started working again .