Hello! I am using UE4.27 and try to package my game on Windows using chunks but the packaging fails with the following error:
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): LogStreaming: Warning: Failed to read file 'D:/UnrealProjects/<ProjectName>/Content/Localization/.locmeta' error.
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): LogLocalizationChunkDataGenerator: Error: Failed to load meta-data for localization target '' when chunking localization data. Re-compile the localization target to generate the LocMeta file.
PackagingResults: Warning: Failed to read file 'D:/UnrealProjects/<ProjectName>/Content/Localization/.locmeta' error.
PackagingResults: Error: Failed to load meta-data for localization target '' when chunking localization data. Re-compile the localization target to generate the LocMeta file.
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: LogLocalizationChunkDataGenerator: Error: Failed to load meta-data for localization target '' when chunking localization data. Re-compile the localization target to generate the LocMeta file.
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display: Failure - 1 error(s), 1288 warning(s)
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): LogInit: Display:
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)):
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): Execution of commandlet took: 57330.33 seconds
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): LogShaderCompilers: Display: === FShaderJobCache stats ===
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Total job queries 10125, among them cache hits 0 (0.00%)
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Tracking 9825 distinct input hashes that result in 5816 distinct outputs (59.20%)
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): LogShaderCompilers: Display: RAM used: 86.67 MB (0.08 GB) of 409.60 MB (0.40 GB) budget. Usage: 21.16%
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): LogShaderCompilers: Display: ================================================
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): LogShaderCompilers: Display: Shaders left to compile 0
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): LogHttp: Display: cleaning up 0 outstanding Http requests.
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): LogContentStreaming: Display: There are 1 unreleased StreamingManagers
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): Took 58052,8913892s to run UE4Editor-Cmd.exe, ExitCode=1
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): ERROR: Cook failed.
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): (see C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\E+Program+Files+Epic+Games+UE_4.27\Log.txt for full exception trace)
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=25 (Error_UnknownCookFailure)
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows (64-bit)): BUILD FAILED
(Remark: most warnings are that saved with empty engine version, scale3d is nearly zero etc. and are not useful for the current problem.)
In the file mentioned in the output log there is the copy of that log itself, so it is also not useful.
How can I re-compile that localization target to package my project correctly, or maybe these messages are fake and the problem is in the other place?