Packaging Failed

Please, I have a problem (packaging failed)

Hello, first of all, thank you for including the log files!

The packaging is failing in the Build step, which is when it compiles the C++ code for the game. The logs seem to indicate that the Build.cs file for the plugin “UPS” has been included multiple times…

At the top of the logs, there is this message:

LogPluginManager: Warning: Plugin 'UPS' exists at '../../../Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/UPS1/UPS.uplugin' and '../../../Engine/Plugins/UPS_4.25.1/UPS/UPS.uplugin' - second location will be ignored

That seems to be the same problem that is making the compiling fail.

So, you need to either remove the copy of the plugin you don’t need manually, or manage it in the Epic Launcher (if possible)

Hope this helps!